Friday, August 22, 2008

Get up and ... dance!

Owning an inn and restaurant is both a very demanding and time-consuming business. Sometimes, it suddenly hits you that not only days, but weeks, and even months, have gone by since you did anything for yourself that really rejuvenates your soul. OK, so that was me ... and there I was six months ago reading the local paper, when I noticed a stunning ad by the Fred Astaire Studios in Mystic, Conn. ( , featuring a beautiful couple in a sexy dance hold.

Well, I just love to dance, so I signed up instantly, and, can you believe, five months later I find myself dancing the Cha Cha, Rumba, and Salsa with my instructor Rogelio Garcia in the 43rd Colonial Classic dance competition.

It was a truly wonderful experience, and guess what? I will be competing again in November! So Innkeepers (or anyone else out there in need of a soul-rejuvenating experience), my advice to you is 'Get up and ... dance" ... or what ever floats your particular boat!

Dance competition photos courtesy of Haessly Photography,

1 comment:

Laura Donna said...

Linnea -

Dancing is extraordinary fun. I took up line dancing and one day saw a couple doing west coast swing on the periphery of the hall. My husband finally gave in to my begging and we went for lessons. It seemed like six months of "triple step, triple step, rock step" before our instructor would teach us any real moves. He believed in mastering the mechanics before attempting fancy choreography. Finally, we started to learn to dance. A year or two later, our rag-tag class of dance hobbyists became a team. We competed in New York and in Dallas, always coming in last place, but boy, did we have fun making friends and moving to the music!

Not to mention...when else do you get to wear so many sparkles?