Friday, September 12, 2008


We have many significant relationships in our lives … childhood best friend, first love, mother and father, spouse, children, to name but a few. But, as a restaurant owner, I have learned, and now firmly believe, that another really important relationship in my life is the one with my chef.

I stopped cooking professionally 15 years ago, but I feel I still need to have a lot of say about what goes on in the kitchen. Over the past two and a half years of owning the inn, I have courted a couple of chefs without success. Just when I was about to give up and beginning to think that a match to complete this culinary experience would never happen … in walks Kristofer Rowe!

We not only had similar backgrounds, but also the same thoughts about food. Honestly, it
seemed too good to be true. Well, 18 months later, I can honestly say I have never been happier. It has gotten to the point that I can just think of a change for the menu and then find Kris has already done it!

The inn recently had a format change in its dining, which involved scaling back on kitchen staff, and, on a busy Saturday night, Kris (who is really a mutant from the X-men) transforms, and then uses his extraordinary chef powers to see that the kitchen runs without a hitch. And one more thing … he never (and I mean never) loses his cool.

It is wonderful to have Chef Kris in my life. (And sincere thanks also to Dawn, his real other half, for sharing him with us.)

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